How to convert a youtube video into a pdf
How to convert a youtube video into a pdf

how to convert a youtube video into a pdf how to convert a youtube video into a pdf

Host the video file on your own website and put the HTTP link into the annotation dialog (simple but anyone can download a copy, so it's not secure).Easiest to do but the file size may be a problem. Embed the entire video file into the PDF - assuming you have a copy and have the rights to publish it.Acrobat's video player will only accept a URL that points to the video file or to an RTMP stream connector, which is why the URL must end in a valid extension such as ".mp4" The 'embed' URL for sites like YouTube and Vimeo is a link to their web page, not to the video file itself (legally you cannot link directly to the video stream so we're not going to explain how it might be done). Its easy to convert a hamburger into a picture of a hamburger.


But to convert the movie back into a multiple slide PowerPoint file. You can move it around and even resize it just like any other PowerPoint object. Click Insert and your video should now be in the PowerPoint slide.

how to convert a youtube video into a pdf

Copy the code from the box that starts with